Title (eng)
Supplemental Material for "Open Your Ears and Take a Look: A State-of-the-Art Report on the Integration of Sonification and Visualization"
Description (eng)
As supplemental material to this STAR, we provide: * corpus.bib and corpus.rdf: publication metadata of the surveyed literature in BibTeX and Zotero RDF format. * corpus-tagging.csv: a table holding the surveyed literature and all of the used tags. Interested readers may use the table to identify articles that fall into specific combinations of classes. * authors.csv: a table holding the names of the authors in our STAR corpus and their primary discipline. Interested readers may use it to identify potential future collaborators. * corrmat.pdf: a high-resolution version of Figure 8 * authornet.ows: the Orange Data Mining workflow file, used to generate the co-author network in Figure 9 (incl. the used color scheme file authornet_colorscheme.colors). In addition, the corpus of relevant papers with tags, publication metadata, and full text of open access work is available as a Zotero library at https://www.zotero.org/groups/integrationsonificationvisualization/items.
Keywords (eng)
visualizationsonificationState-of-the-Art Reportaudio-visual data analysis
Persistent identifier
Members (7)
Citable links

Persistent identifier

Object type
08.05.2024 01:11:29
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences | Campus-Platz 1 | A-3100 St. Pölten | T +43/2742/313 228-234