Description (eng)
Biography work is a subset of social work that is characterized by a plethora of solutionoriented procedures. One such procedure is the biographical time bar that systematically visualizes the clients’ personal stories. However, the current technical implementation of the easyBiograph shows inefficiencies when working with complex biographies; additionally, the application is not optimized for mobile devices. The advantages of mobile devices as well as the prevailing need for research on time-based and interactive techniques for data visualization on mobile devices provide opportunities to develop the tool further. Subsequently, the goal of this thesis is to devise a design for the easyBiograph that fits the needs of social workers and focuses primarily on mobile utilization. Thus, a design study was realised; where, first, expert interviews and an analysis of contents (according to Mayring) were used to collect the requirements. Second, conceptual designs based on expert reviews were evaluated as possible solutions. Third and finally, usability tests inform about the solutions’ comprehensibility. Twelve requirements were compiled including ease of use, usage on mobile devices, chronological sequence, multiple parallel events, and exploration of data. Additionally, the persistence of data has to be possible in various forms. Further features are customizability, the assessment of phases, fields for comments, and the use of media. A write- and translate function, as well as an introduction for the clients, are desirable components. The concept was realised as a high-fidelity prototype. The design is based on a responsive web application. Interactive techniques for data visualization were conceived to assure efficient usage. Complex biographies and data exploration is supported by a dynamic arrangement and a zoom solution. Customizability is achieved via colour selection and adjustable dimensions. Additionally, it is possible to add media to entries. A rating system is provided with a colour-coded three-part scale. Auxillary lines simplify readability and interaction. Integrated onboarding for touch gestures renders the concept, both, efficient and comprehensible. Looking ahead, additional research for different fields of social work could be necessary. Evaluating a bigger sample of various professions with a technically refined prototype could lead to valuable insights and advance the easyBiograph regarding its context of use.